"It is in the home that we form our attitudes, our deeply held beliefs. It is in the home that hope is fostered
or destroyed. Our homes are to be more than sanctuaries; they should also be places where God's Spirit can dwell,
where the storm stops at the door, where love reigns and peace dwells."--President Thomas Spencer Monson

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My family culture

In class we talked about how culture is an integrated knowledge of belief and behavior. It's the shared attitudes, values, goals, and practice.

Whenever I think about culture it reminds me of last semester in my Marriage class where we did genograms. It was a description of three generations and the trend between temple marriages, civil marriages, divorces, cohabitation, and so forth. It was funny to bring into class a three foot butcher paper of my family line on both sides. The most amazing thing is that out of all the 75 grandkids there are 45 married and just about everyone got married in the temple and are still married. That is the same on my Mom's side. It's incredible though that they are still married. In class lots of people were discussing that they grew up not knowing if any marriage could really work because of their experiences. It made me appreciate more about my family legacy and culture. We honored families so much love and the gospel that we even pledge to our Grandpa that we would live worthy to take the sacrament, go on missions, and get married in the temple. This legacy and culture has made me greatly appreciate what I have and worthy passing down.

(so I had a whole lot more but when I tried to post it erased all of it and I'm too tired to put up the rest. Sorry but if you're interested in reading some good stuff read Elder Maxwell's talk on The Precious Promise. sooo good :)

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